Create Health: Reverse Autoimmune Disease Without Drugs or Their Side Effects

by Benjamin Benulis

A young woman walks into a doctor’s office. Over the past few months she has made radical changes to her diet and her lifestyle. Her doctor, puzzled, goes over her newest bloodwork with her, telling her that it inexplicably shows complete remission of her autoimmune condition. She smiles knowing the changes she made have provided her body the conditions it needed to completely heal itself.

Autoimmune diseases are estimated to plague 1 in 4 people in the western world yet current mainstream medical treatments for them are riddled with side effects and fall well short of a cure. However, making serious changes to diet and lifestyle can create major improvements in symptoms or in many cases fully reverse these diseases.

Create Health offers a no-nonsense look at:

• What autoimmune diseases are

• Where autoimmune diseases come from

• Why the mainstream medical system fails to deliver a satisfactory solution

• How to actually heal using diet and lifestyle

Dr. Benulis, once an autoimmune patient himself years ago shares his story of how he was able to break free of the medical hamster wheel and heal with diet and lifestyle.




